Friday, January 9, 2015

One Word 2015

I first started choosing one word to guide me throughout the year in 2012.   For the first year my word was Surrender and last year my one word was Hope.  I'll update my year with Hope in a few days.

After pondering and ruminating for about a month, I have landed upon my word for 2015 - Health.  Or rather, I should say it chose me.  It is funny how this works.  Praying about what my word should be gets a short list going in my head.  Then it narrows down by memories coming to mind, seeing the word all over, and a deep feeling that this is the word resonating inside me.

Health -  I balked a bit at first because I am relatively healthy. But health lingered near me constantly.  I thought the word health was too broad.  Still, health whispered in my ear.
A quick dictionary study defines health as: well-being, flourishing, free from illness or disease, a condition of being sound in body, mind, an spirit.

Therefore as I make choices and plod along during 2015, I will hold the filter of Health in front of me.  I will make decisions through the lens of being spiritually healthy, mentally healthy, and physically healthy.

You can read more about how one word works at One Word 365   or at My One Word.